Pavement Halloween 2020

EVENT: Pavement’s Halloween 2020 went down at Paddo yesterday, Saturday 31. October and it was an absolutely blast! The lessons were booked out so kids dressed up like zombies, skeletons and scary fairies were skating everywhere. What a sight! Read a little recap and see lots of photos below.


As a thank you to the kids, their parents and the community Pavement Skateboard Coaching put on an absolute ripper of a Halloween event at Paddington Skatepark.

Batman and Commander welcomed all the little monsters and then the lessons went on as usual with four levels ripping all over the park. The vibe was electric and when it was time for the β€˜tricks for treats’-contest the kids were showing their skills all over the place and landed everything from kick-turns to kick-flips everywhere. All levels got a fair chance to win their share of the Halloween treats and everyone felt like the little legends they are.

Afterwards, Parliament put on a free BBQ for all participants and the morning ended with a party picnic in the park and kids, coaches and parents all joined in on the fun.

β€œYeah, I like the party!”
— Vada, 5

Batman aka. Jim Dandy, skateboard coach and owner of Pavement, was beaming when we chatted to him.

- Today was absolutely amazing! SO cool to do a special event for the participants and their parents. It’s something we wanted to do to give back and for some extra fun for everyone. So cool to see how many kids went to the effort to dress up from Frankenstein to monsters to fairies.

β€œBest part was that we wanted to do it FOR the kids, as a bit of a thank you for being part of our Pavement family - and everyone was so happy we did.”
— Jim Dandy, coach and owner of Pavement

Asked if this kind of Pavement event is something we will see again anytime soon, Jim revealed that there might be something cooking for an end-of-year event…The rest of us can only hope and in the meantime check out the edit & photos from this spooky, fun day at Paddo.

Pavement Skateboard Coaching put on an awesome Halloween at Paddo Skatepark.


Pavement’s own edit from the day

To find the the next upcoming lesson with Pavement visit their website or see an overview in our lesson calendar.




Upcoming competition: Springfield Halloween Jam