13-year old Freddie Arnold is one of 8 skaters on the Jezebel skateboard team competing on Saturday. He came 2nd in last year’s Bowlzilla Gold Coast and this year he's back to compete in the electric atmosphere at the Elanora Bowl. We hit him and his board sponsor, Mick from Jezebel up for a chat about the comp everyone is talking about.



Freddie Arnold

Age: 13

Board: 8.25

Sponsors: Etnies Australia, Level Up Skatepark, Flipside, Jezebel Skateboards

Instagram: @freddiearnold_

The Jezebel Team at Bowlzilla

Under 16s: Freddie @freddiearnold_, Kai @mylilsk8ermate , Jake @jakeethan09 , TJ @tjlewisskate, Jacob @neverendsk8 ,

Womens: Lily @lybrittonsk8

Opens: Dylan @the_dee.phil

Masters: Nick @nixpix01

Freddie, you competed in Bowlzilla last year and came in second. Amazing. Can you tell us a bit about the “Bowlzilla experience”?

I have entered Bowlzilla only twice but it is a really special comp as it brings lots of Australian skaters together to skate hard and have fun. It pushes you to do better as you can skate with and learn from amazing skaters such as Kieran Woolley and Marley Rae. The crowd is big and loud which creates good energy and electric atmosphere. 

How are you preparing for this year’s competition, Freddie?

I have been practising at my local in Sunshine Beach trying to get my tricks down. Hopefully, I can get to Elo before the comp to get a practice in but its 2 and a half hours from my house. I have to work on my skating a lot on my own which can be hard sometimes and you need to self-motivate on days when it’s tough to get your tricks.

It’s a lot of hard work for the team riders, Mick?

Definitely. Most of these guys are preparing all year round, most of them skate this bowl at least once a week, trying both different runs and mixing up tricks in the lines they already have.

You are a board sponsor, Mick. How does that work up to a comp?

Due to covid stock has been hard to obtain, but I have a large shipment of decks coming this month, so all team members will be on a fresh board this year.

Besides boards, do you support the team in any other ways?

Yeah, we always try to catch up weekly to see where they are at and share tips and ideas. We do all hang together a bit, the 2 older guys, Dyl and Nick are really good with the kids, help settle their nerves and stuff on the day and help them to push harder, go bigger and be the best they can basically all year round.

And Mick, what does it mean to a team like yours to have big comps like Bowlzilla on the Gold Coast?

It's great, it gives our team and individual riders exposure to the skateboarding community, the general public, and other possible sponsors for these shredders. As a brand we are really here for the love of skateboarding - to support and promote the next generation of shredders.

And what a generation! Freddie, what is your best memory from the comp?

My best memory was when I landed my full run and I could hear the cheers. My grandparents were there from the UK and came to watch.  

That must have been so special. How are you preparing for this year’s competition?

I have been practicing at my local in Sunshine Beach trying to get my tricks down. Hopefully, I can get to Elo (Elenora Skatepark on the Gold Coast) before the comp to get a practice in but its 2 and a half hours from my house.

Yeah, that’s a fair way. Does anyone help you prepare?

I’m going to see Trev Ward (founder of LevelUp, Freddie rides on their team) on the Gold Coast. He’s an amazing mentor for me and helps me to learn new stuff and feel positive.

What is important for you when you plan your runs?

Personally, I like to have a safe run in qualifying to make sure I land it all and get to finals.

Sounds like a plan. What can we expect from your run this year?

I want to improve my flow, possibly a kicky indie and the rest....well, it’s a secret!

What is your advice to kids who are competing in Bowlzilla for the first time?

The best advice I can give is to have fun, make the most of the experience and watch the better skaters. Don’t be scared to have a go because we all have to start somewhere.

Well, we can’t wait to see your run! We wish you the best of luck, we will cheer for you!

And before we end, Mick. What does the future hold for Jezebel?

Look at our young team and you will see the future is bright, we have survived this covid stuff and plan to grow as a brand and a team. Bowlzilla is a great comp and always has a huge amount of talent on show.


Bowlzilla is a unique skateboard festival on the Gold Coast.

When: Saturday 13. March 2021, kicks of at 9 am

Where: Elenora Skatepark


