The first of two ‘20 FOR THE GIRLS’-events took place at Fairfield Skatepark on Saturday morning. There was a huge turn up of keen girls - some completely new to skateboarding and some already confident shredders - all super excited to be apart of this welcoming skateboarding event.

20 for the girls 2020

20 FOR THE GIRLS is a girls-only workshop especially designed to welcome more girls into the skateboarding community and connect the ones already shredding it up.

More than 40 girls signed up for the event and certified skateboard coaches, Donny Fraser and Tora Waldren guided the girls through their respective lessons.

Some of the girls were complete beginners and a free girls-only workshop was a great way to get them introduced to skateboarding.

Carly and Messina both signed their daughters, Olive 9 and Chiara 7 up to the event after seeing it pop up on their Facebook feed. None of their girls has ever really tried to skateboard before, but the mums thought: “why not?”

They figured it would be fun to try out and they were not disappointed.

Olive and Chiara both had a fun day and we saw some amazing improvement from the girls during their lesson with Tora.

While the beginners safely learned to balance on the board and slowly push along, others already mastered the basics and were confident shredding around Fairfield Skatepark on this sunny, Saturday morning. These girls went straight to the ramps and got some pointers from the man himself, Donny Fraser.

Hopefully, we will see a lot of these girls again at other events, and in skateparks, around Brisbane. We have a feeling we will


“Mum, can I please stay and skate some more?”

- Elisabeth, 5 after her lesson finished.


Australian Skateboarding Community Initiative (ASCI) has launched the ‘20 FOR THE GIRLS’-project and they hope it will inspire more girls to give skateboarding a real go. Further down the line, the hope and plan is that more females will reach a level, where they feel confident competing in official skateboard competitions locally, nationally and internationally.


“It’s been a massive success, hopefully the first step towards more female participants in skateboard competitions & events in the future. ”

- Donny Fraser, ASCI

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At Fairfield the first little pushes were made towards that goal and if these girls keep coming back to the skateparks the future sure looks bright for girls in skateboarding in Brisbane and Australia.


Join the next ‘20 FOR THE GIRLS’-event in Moorooka

ASCI repeats the success next Saturday in Moorooka.


17. October 2020 in the following sessions:

  • 0 - 12 years - 9 am.

  • 13 - 17 years - 10 :15 am.

  • 18 + years - 11:30 am.

Sign up

The event is free - bookings are essential. Book here

Learn more

For further information about the event go to ASCI’s facebook event


Moorooka Skatepark

Muriel Ave.

Moorooka QLD 4105


>>>>>>>> support and follow ASCI on instagram


